elite dance studios
  4201 N Shiloh Dr
(479) 443-1990



take dance classesAlong with local performances Elite Dance Studios showcases all regularly scheduled classes in a spring showcase. This gives the dancers a chance to show friends and family some of the things they learned throughout the year while also giving them the experience of being a professional dancer. 



Recital Fees $125 Each family ($25 additional fee per sibling)--includes all recital and rental fees so we can keep our recitals free,  recital shirt, recital program, and NEW THIS YEAR a digital download copy of one showcase.) 



All recitals are FREE to attend for friends and family!



Additional Recital shirts for family or friends can be purchased at $25 each.





**General Recital Reminders**

Organization is key to putting on a big production.

Please make sure you know what is going on! Check your emails and the info board at the studio especially around recital time. 

You/Your dancer needs to have their name on everything they bring.

All dancers just need a dance bag with their name clearly visible or name tag for all their costumes, hair clips and ties and small water bottle labeled with their name.
If a dancer is only in one dance, please arrive wearing your costume, with hair and make up completely done.

Dancers in multiple dances will need a large bag to put costumes into during changes. 


EliteDanceStudios@yahoo.com  |  Like us on Facebook